Prevent Bullying and Abuse
It's big project implemented for 32 months by a consortium of 7 partner organizations from 6 different countries (Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, France, Portugal and Denmark) and an associated partner.
Bullying is a very common, serious and growing problem throughout the world and Europe. The main objective of the project is to develop educators’ competencies in their everyday work for preventing young adults of different kind of bullying, from mockery to abuse. A comprehensive tool system will be developed in the project for that which includes:
. a simulation board game mostly for young adults (O1);
. a Guidelines on how to work with young adults’ experiences gained from the simulation game (O2);
a Forum theatre methodology also working with their experiences gained from the game (O3).
One objective of the game is to sensitize and inform young adults about the different ways of bullying, and gives them all the necessary knowledge and practices to recognize, avoid and/or handle abuse in the best possible way.
Another important objective of the project is to promote and support the social inclusion of such vulnerable groups who already have fewer opportunities and so have bigger chance becoming victims of bullying. The simulation game supports to emphasize our common responsibility to avoid bullying situations. The third objective of the project empowering with the necessary knowledge and practices to young adults (including young adults from different types of vulnerable groups) to recognize, avoid and/or handle such situations in the best possible way.